| July 5th, 2024

How Diet Affects Your Nervous System

It isn’t obvious, but what we eat does affect our nervous system. Dietary imbalances can can inflammation, and our autonomic nervous system can perceive that as a threat, just as if we were being chased by a bear. It reacts by shifting into its sympathetic, "fight or flight" mode. That… Read More

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It isn’t obvious, but what we eat does affect our nervous system. Dietary imbalances can can inflammation, and our autonomic nervous system can perceive that as a threat, just as if we were being chased by a bear. It reacts by shifting into its sympathetic, "fight or flight" mode. That sets off a cascade of events in our body’s involuntary systems which can become a feedback loop, ratcheting up our distress. In this excerpt from The Inner Armor Podcast, Dr. Timothy Royer explains that we can treat that inflammation (or even prevent it) by adjusting our diet to incorporate more Omega 3 fatty acids. Learn more and build your inner armor at https://www.forgeinnerarmor.com.
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